GirlStar is an all family comedy reality/entertainment show filmed around the clock, bringing the fun, the laughs and the drama of being a celebrity having to face the world of competitive sports, to the audience.
In a fish out of water scenario, 10 celebrities enter an intensive training camp, led by 2 legendary coaches in order to try and become a winning team. They will live together for several weeks in a special house built for them.
During training – our team will be divided into two teams, each team led by one of the coaches, and they will compete with each other in every aspect.
In addition to training and soccer, they will get to live and experience the cultural aspect of the country in which they are staying.
Every week, they will play as one team against unusual rivals: from a team of kids, through the police squad, and the national league champions.
With one goal in mind – To reach the big cup final, win the cup and become “Girlstar” Champions.
The show does not focus on soccer as a sport, but brings the audience the world surrounding it with the proper twists, drama and lots of laughs, that make the show loved so much by men, women and children all together!
“Girlstar” is the first female version of the successful show “Goalstar”, which is considered one of Israel’s most loved and viewed show in all times, with millions of VOD downloads every season (the last made a record of 22 million downloads), 46.3 % share rating on HOT cable network, and a massive fan base throughout the web.
In today’s era, where women’s empowerment is stronger than ever, there is no better show that reflects this message. This show is all about strong females, who aren’t afraid not only to show their strength, but also their emotions, weaknesses and passion to succeed.
The show has aired for 4 seasons until now – two of them were filmed abroad: in Argentina and Mexico.
The New season of “Goalstar” has been shot in Thailand and will air soon and 2nd season of “Girlstar” has been commissioned.
“Girlstar” – everything but soccer!
Founder & Head Of International.