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To watch this episode you need a password
To watch this episode you need a password
A sitcom for kids by Elad Hen and Sarel Piterman
Osher and Michal, junior high school students, discover the most wonderful thing a kid has ever found: their teacher is actually… a robot based on AI! And if that’s not exciting enough, they realize that they can train and guide her to do anything in life. Sounds like Paradise, doesn’t it? Truth is, things are a bit more complicated. Much more complicated…
Jorge, the science teacher at Shazar Junior High, is probably the worst scientist in the history of mankind. Not only has he never managed to invent or discover anything new about the world, most of his attempts have caused damage at best, or a global crises at a little worst… but somehow Jorge of all people has succeeded in inventing the craziest invention ever dreamed up – a robotic teacher with artificial intelligence!
Like any other invention, Roboteacher was invented almost by accident. When Jorge heard Osher and Michal complaining about their teacher yet again, about how she would yell and frown and never listen, and how they dreamt of a different teacher – one that would smile and like them, he decided to do something.
From that moment on, he spent day and night coming up with the perfect teacher – the “Roboteacher”. He spent the entire summer vacation building an AI robot, with a look that is entirely human and an independent learning system. Every day he taught the robot everything it needed to know about humans – their loves, desires, fears and weaknesses – preparing for every scenario except one – or rather one person: Osher. Osher Brown.
In one of his aimless walks through the school corridors (after getting in trouble yet again) Osher stumbles onto Jorge’s secret lab and mistakenly reveals the wondrous Roboteacher. Another accident leads to Osher releasing her into the world, when she’s not entirely ready.
The plot thickens when Roboteacher (or Shani Bloom, her alias) becomes their homeroom teacher after their former teacher quits.
From that moment on, the mundane daily routine of Jorge, Osher and Michal is completely overturned and becomes a crazy rollercoaster ride, all thanks to (or because of) Roboteacher.
They have to hide their secret from the entire school, cover for their teacher’s eccentric behavior, hide her goofs and even make sure her battery doesn’t accidentally run out…
Roboteacher is a kooky comedy in which anything can happen, but it is heartfelt and filled with innocence and love. It’s a combination of Alf, the alien nobody could know about, and Westworld where AI robots do not know they are robots and only want to be human.
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